Our Treatment Methods
By reviewing this page, you can learn about our treatment methods.
Dry Needling
Dry Needling (Dry Needling) What Is It ? Dry needling, myofascial trigger
Clinical Pilates
Pilates Pilates 20.century Joseph Hubert Pilates (1880-1967) was recovered by improved fitness
Trophy Therapy
Made of hard plastic or glass cup for massage, Cup formed in the skin
World Health Organization (WHO) diagnosis and treatment by a method
Manual Therapy
The meaning of the word Hand Treatment hand to improve manual therapy which means
The World Health Organization acupuncture), adopted by, and sterile
Manual Lymphatic Drainage
The lymphatic system has a carrying capacity of certain lymphedema. This move
Kinezyolojik Banding
Kinezyolojik Kinezyolojik banding Banding Technique, and joints, providing support to Nov
Graston Technique
Graston Technique instrument assisted soft tissue mobilization is known as
Harmonic Motion Therapy
Osteopati harmonic motion therapy is one of the oldest treatment methods. Harmonic treatment
Physical Therapy At Home
At home physical therapy services, the health of patients who are forced to go to a treatment center