Piriformis (Sciatica) Syndrome

Priformis muscle extending from the sacrum into the head of the femur in the hip area of deep seated muscle.Hip and leg that extends from the rear of the sciatic nerve under the muscle, or passes from the inside. Priformis muscle spasms or stiffness that puts pressure on the sciatic nerve occur for a variety of reasons, and as a result the downward pull in the style of the back of your leg from the hip and radiating pain , numbness and tingling of symptoms will occur. To show the similarity with symptoms of a herniated disk, often the diagnosis can be mixed. However, the two discomfort is completely different and requires different treatment.
Piriformis (sciatica) syndrome what are the symptoms?
- The back of your hip and leg radiating pain, tingling or numbness
- Tenderness and pain in the hip area
- Palpation of the piriformis muscle can be the difference of the hardness of
- Increased pain and discomfort with sitting for a long time (such as driving)
- Sitting on a hard surface with increased pain and discomfort
- Loss of function, and gait disorder (loss of pelvic control)
- Increases in hip function, increased activity of the pain (long-term like walking or running)
Piriformis (sciatica) syndrome, what causes it?
- The piriformis muscle of intensive, long-term exercise,walking, running, stair climbing, such as
activities - Lack of sufficient flexibility piriformis and hip muscles
- Trauma(such as a car accident or a fall on the hip) or injuries caused by muscle movement
- The pressure of the piriformis muscle with prolonged sitting(living by keeping your wallet in your back pocket)
- Weakness in the muscles deep hip stabilization
Piriformis (sciatica) syndrome
Piriformis syndrome can be understood by physical examination. Herniated disc symptoms, differential diagnosis is important for showing similarity. Applied clinical tests and detailed evaluation of the degree of involvement of the sciatic nerve and the piriformis muscle to spasm with is evaluated. Piriformis syndrome treatment when identified early response rate is very high. For this reason, early diagnosis is important.EMG, computed tomography (CT), magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and ultrasonography in the diagnosis of can be used.
Piriformis (sciatica) syndrome what is the treatment for?
- Manual therapy techniques
- Clinical massage and electrotherapy treatment for pain and spasms methods
- With relaxation of the piriformis muscle stretching and flexibility exercises
- Nov stabilization exercises to increase strength in the region
- Mobilization of the sciatic nerve
- Activity modification (edited)
- Pharmacological(drug) treatment