
Migraine causes throbbing pain usually on one side of the head or throwing severe to feel a pulse.Nausea, vomiting, pain is often accompanied by hypersensitivity to light and sound. Migraine attacks can last for hours.Even in severe cases lasts for a few days. The pain is so severe that it is difficult for you to do the daily activities of the person.

Stages Of A Migraine Attack

  1. The Prodrome Phase:From the development of the leading symptoms are headache within hours or days. Patients often observed sudden changes in mood or behavior. The person he could feel the headache coming, but are not clearly defined.The pioneer that appears most frequently symptoms of weakness, feelings of fatigue and exhaustion, difficulty in concentration and focus, and in the muscles around the neck  stiffness in the neck.
  2. The aura phase: Pain accompanying neurological symptoms called aura. These symptoms usually it takes less than an hour.Impairment in perception of body, speech and language disorders, numbness in certain parts of the body among the symptoms. Of the aura phase may not occur in some patients.
  3. Headache phase: Typical of patients with migraine headache is unilateral, throbbing, moderate or severe in intensity would be. Is exacerbated by a person's physical activity.Patients frequently want to rest in a dark and quiet environment. Pain, paralysis on one side or is propagated to the other side of the head start, and.
  4. Improvement phase: Pain at the end of 24 to 48 hours from the beginning of the recovery phase begins. In this stage, the intensity of the pain gradually decreases. The patient himself feels very tired and sluggish.                       


Treatment Of Migraine

Drugs used in the treatment of migraine, headache or pain during attacks, to eliminate the accompanying nausea, vomiting symptoms such as frequent stop or to control the frequency of headache attacks can help.But all symptomatic drug treatments for Migraine Treatments.


Physiotherapy techniques applied for migraine

Migraine patients often have chronic fatigue, neck and back tension and pain in muscles, decrease in levels of physical activity, such as a decrease in sleep quality, there are many complaints. Patient-specific complaints of the patient to decrease the use of all appropriate physiotherapy techniques can help.

Applied Physiotherapy Techniques

  • Manual therapy
  • Acupuncture
  • Akupressure
  • Osteopathic techniques kranyosakral
  • Myofascial release techniques
  • Clinical massage
  • Aerobic exercises

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