Harmonic Motion Therapy

Osteopati harmonic motion therapy is one of the oldest treatment methods. Harmonic treatment and natural textures for this method to be compatible with the nature of the body reacts very quickly. Harmonic motion it is possible to see patterns in many parts of our body. A group that includes manual therapy techniques harmonic motion of different body parts gently shake consists of two swinging rhythmic and cyclic movement between the different areas of the object is defined as.
A healthy tissue when tissue damage occurs over time and comes to rest. When tissue is pushed repeatedly moves with its own resonance, the energy received with push responds with a harmonic motion , the movement stimulates the receptors in the skin of Applied rhythmic and periodic oscillation.This warning as a result of the stimulated area in the region increases the blood circulation and recovery takes place.Harmonic motion therapy is effective in situations where:
- Increasing circulation
- Stimulation of the tissue kolleje
- Dissolution of the force and the increase of tissue adhesions
- Active movement increases lubricity between the tissues.
- The normalization of the length and flexibility of the tissue
- Motion of the tissues in issuance of healing and renewal notices
- Decrease pain
- Be resolved edema in the tissues
- Acceleration of the process after surgery or injury iyiilesme