Graston Technique

Graston Technique instrument assisted soft tissue mobilization is a form of manual therapy known as. Graston massage, specially designed for different regions of the body are made using titanium-coated metal rods. The aim of scar technique (glued) is the tissue opening and soft tissue mobilization by increasing circulation. Graston massage, especially the mobility of the fascia (mobility) increase, Nov, tear in the tendons and soft tissue, or it is preferred to treat injuries. Graston Technique is particularly chiropractor , physiotherapist, osteopath and are often preferred by.
Graston Technique Tools Used In
There are 6 basic tools that are used in the Graston Technique. These tools are made of stainless steel. Concave and convex shaped. It has rounded edges and is not sharp. Instruments are used to detect and scan areas of fibrotic tissue is wounded. Treatment is designed to provide the necessary tools identify the areas and injured them. The area of Use and the effect of each instrument to the tissue in the body is different.
Implementation Of The Graston Technique
Application to be made lubricity is obtained by applying the cream on soft tissue. Then Graston massage with special instruments and technical terms with specific tissue. Massage the soft tissue micro-trauma occurs. The blood flow and increases circulation. In this way, the tissue healing process starts. The application is supported with exercises, manual therapy and other methods.
In studies in Graston Technique and fascia that are fixed by adhesions from the first session of NOV, has been found to reduce pain and increase range of motion.
Graston Technique Intended Use.
- Increases blood circulation in the Applied area, healing is accelerated.
- Regional diffuse edema that occur after injury to be effective.
- Nov achieves a natural and healthy structure and tendons.
- That occur in the soft tissue adhesions (scar tissue) is decoded.
- Post-op surgery as a result of IGF Nov fixes.
- Formed as a result of injury to return to the old function allows the movement of limitlenmi's Nov.
- Nov Nov contraction translates to maximize functional activity of IGF limitleyen down to a minimum.
- Nov occur in athletes IGF-I quickly repairs the normal angle allows you to get.