Frozen Shoulder

Frozen shoulder , shoulder pain is a disease characterized by progressive restriction of active and passive movements. Shoulder joint capsule of the shoulder joint synovial fibrosis with inflammation developing as a result of the volume is reduced. While the volume of 20-30 ml of normal shoulder joint, frozen shoulder joint may be reduced to the volume of 5-10 ml. As a result of this limitation of motion occurs. As well as the shoulder joint capsule, ligaments , muscles , bursa(n), such as the surrounding soft tissues are affected. Is more common in women. Aged 35-70 and the non-dominant side, are monitored more frequently.
Classification Of Frozen Shoulder
Primary Frozen Shoulder : Without any anomaly is a condition that is characterized by pain and limitation of motion in the shoulder. The most important reason is that you remain immobile for long periods of the shoulder region.
Secondary Frozen Shoulder : Another pathology is a table of results. Main systemic disease ( sugar , hyperthyroid , hypothyroid) , extrinsic ( fracture , cervical disc injury ) or instrinsik ( rotator cuff tear , biceps tendinitis) may be based on.
Stages Of Dollars On Your Shoulder
Stage 1 ( Initial Phase ) : The starting phase is the inflammation of the joint capsule. Limitation of motion is minimum. Pain at rest and night pain started. Continues for a period of duration of symptoms is less than 3 months.
Stage 2 ( Freezing Phase ) : It began to be kept in the joint capsule. Will see a decrease in the volume of the joint. There is no apparent limitation of motion. The intensity of pain increases. Night pain starts to get sleep. Symptoms continue for 3-9 months.
Stage 3 ( Facing The Stage ) : Pain at rest and night has decreased, however, the highest level of mobility. All movements of the shoulder is severely restricted. The person is forced in activities of daily living. -15 symptoms 9 months and going strong.
Stage 4 ( Thaw Phase ) : The amount of pain and stiffness decreased, but patients still complaining of symptoms.
What Are The Symptoms Of Frozen Shoulder ?
The severity of symptoms varies according to the stage of the disease. The main symptoms include the following ;
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- Pain : Increases as the stage of the disease progresses. Almost all shoulder movements painful. Pain at rest and night is also common. Night pain intensifies as it can cause sleep problems. Won't move unless you move the patient because of pain in his shoulder and the shoulder becomes more limited.
- Limitation Of Motion : After seeing some of the moves, all shoulder movements are restricted. In advanced stages, the patient is forced in activities of daily living. Most restricted movements, rotations over the shoulder and head movements. Combing your hair , your head washing , dressing , the import of goods from a high place , experienced difficulty in the movement of her waist, taking his hand.
- Local Tenderness : In touch around the shoulder because all the structures are influenced by tenderness and pain may occur. The person can't rest on the side of the patient.
- Atrophy ( Loss Nov ) : Due to decline due to pain and loss of movement develops. A contraction in the shoulder and surrounding muscles is seen. The duration of immobility as atrophy increases.
Frozen Shoulder Treatment Methods
Medical , surgical and conservative treatments are available. Of the patient's symptoms did not respond to conservative treatment and nondecreasing usually in cases where it may be treated with surgery. In addition, the generally conservative treatment methods are used. Conservative treatments include physiotherapy practices. While the treatment is being applied and in which stage of the patient must be determined. The treatments to be applied will vary according to the stage.
Physiotherapy Applications
- Manual therapy : Manual therapy is used in the mobilisation , manipulation , massage , stretching to decrease pain and increase range of motion, such as special techniques is provided. Because the entire region is influenced by the shoulder and surrounding structures are extensively rehabilitated.
- Physiotherapy Modalities : Accelerate tissue healing , pain and inflammation in order to reduce superficial and deep heating agents , agents such as diathermy and ultrasound are used. Increases the effectiveness of physical therapy.
- Exercise : To regain mobility and strength in the shoulder area of the former exercise is essential. Shows an improvement in the patient with the right exercises. Normal joint movement exercises , stretching exercises , strengthening exercises , functional exercises are valid.