
The World Health Organization acupuncture), adopted by sterile needles in specific points of the body and very thin lube is applied batirilmasisekli treatment. Acupuncture Latin “akus” sink “punktura point”, which means two words consists of. For the first time began to be implemented in the Far East that have been used for 2500 years by the Chinese and this treatment method have been developed.
Acupuncture was successful in treating the disease in scientific studies, it was determined that the hormonal system. Research in the brain known as mood stabilizers, have shown that it can increase the release of serotonin and endorphin. I mean, especially used for the treatment of mood disorders is an effective method.
Our body to self-repair the power is very high. The strength of our body raises the warning points “acupuncture points” is called. These spots are located under the skin of 2-4 mm. The acupuncture points with needles when this warning is made here, the local cellular stimuli of cells, nerve terminals, and finally, a warning message is sent to the brain. These stimuli leads to the necessary organs to the brain. Thus the circulation returns to normal energy in the body, and the immune system is strengthened. Strengthening the immune system destroys disease germs in the body on its own.
Areas of use of acupuncture
- Chronic low back and neck-back pain
- Nov spasms and pain
- Headaches (Migraine, trigeminal neuralgia, sinusitis)
- Disorders of the digestive system (constipation, diarrhea, colitis)
- Depression, panic attacks, anxiety disorders
- Eating disorders( obesity, anorexia, bulumia neurosis)
- Dependencies (alcohol, smoking, substance)
- Allergic rhinitis, psoriasis, acne, hives
- Asthma, bronchitis
- Menstrual irregularity and pain
- Facial paralysis (within the first three months)
- Insomnia , fear, anger, anxiety
- Osteoarthritis (rheumatic pain)
- Neck, Knee Arthritis
- Neck-shoulder-arm-hand eclipses
- Rib cage pain
- Sciatic syndrome
- Tennis Elbow
- Lower wetting, incontinence poop
- Sexual weakness in men
- Frigidity in women
- Infertility
- Period pain, menstrual irregularities
- Allergic asthma
- Shingles
- Tinnitus
Mechanism of action of acupuncture
- Through the nervous system
- Through the hormonal system
- Through the activation of the blood vessels
- Through the strengthening of immunity
- Through easing of muscles
The benefits of acupuncture
- The body by balancing the flow of energy in the organism's self-healing power increases.
- In combination with other treatment methods can be applied in the treatment of many diseases.
- Relieving pain is an effective method for the relief of pain in patients who are unable to use.
- Improves a person's emotional strength to reduce stress.
- To strengthen the immune system of the patient's resistance increases.
- Organized by the mechanism of allergy allergic runny nose, nasal congestion, and allows you to heal in a short period of urticaria.
- Reduces dependency in the treatment of the withdrawal syndrome.
- Tension-type headaches are greatly reduced.
- It decreases the release of noradrenaline and serotonin, and increases the release of endorphins.
- By suppressing the Hunger Center in the brain to adapt to the diet helps to inform the patient and reduces the feeling of hunger.
- The sense of it is to regulate hunger, compensates for the biological clock.
- Regulates digestion, reduces stomach acid, insulin balances.
- Speeds up the metabolism, increase fat burning.Is almost negligible side effects, and safe when administered by experts.
Acupuncture side effects
- Acupuncture needles are single-use, sterile needles are. Acupuncture needles are very thin because not bruising after treatment, but the patient moves, depending on the play of the needle, minimal bruising
- Painless method. Alone ,the needles while in a similar case of a snake bite is applied for the first time felt pain.
- A slight numbness and a sensation of warmth may occur in the setting of the needle, and immediately removed the needles but these symptoms disappear immediately.