Our young and experienced team, we are here for you.

In Istanbul, two branches and experts in the field, we are young, our experienced and friendly team strive to provide the best service to you.


Why should you choose us?

Terapiroom equipped with the current technology, therapy centers, two separate points in Istanbul with its expert staff at your service.

Personalized Treatment

We create all our patients special treatment programs.

Expert Staff

An expert in the field, experienced therapist, we are at your service with our staff.

Clinical Comfortable

All our centres are Comfortable therapy, technological and hygienic.

Advanced Inspection

Our advanced inspection methods, thanks to a quick problem detection.


Who are we?

Terapiroom; multidispiner approach in the field of Physical Medicine and rehabilitation aiming to offer the best service to the patient and an expert in modern and innovative clinic.
The thing that separates our other clinics physiotherapy center terapiroom from reputable and leading healthcare provider and so far we have the customized patient-physiotherapist experience.

In Istanbul, two branches and experts in the field, we are young, our experienced and friendly team strive to provide the best service to you.


What Have We Done?

As always Terapiroom better accomplish, and we strive to offer the best service.
Therapy Center
Our patients
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Treatment Method
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Our Colleagues

Our friendly and experienced team we're here to offer you the best service.

Mehmet Ali Gümüş

Expert Physiotherapist

Esma Yakut


Nisa Aydın


Ece Nur Eren


For Us The Opinions Of Our Valued Patients

Our treatment methods, our valued patients, our staff and find out what our expert thinks about clinics.


In Our Blog Post

Examining the articles in our blog; our treatment methods, and detailed information about your medical conditions olabilrsiniz